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One easy way to support our work is donating!  All proceeds go directly into our productions and help us bring professional, qualified artists to the region. Donations are tax deductible.



Buy an Ad! Businesses can purchase a 1/2 page ad in our program for $200, or full page for $300!



There are numerous levels of giving, with perks at each level.  


Cameo Appearance ($50-$99):

Commemorative signed poster.

Thank you in program.


Stagehand ($100-$499):

Commemorative signed poster.

Thank you in program.

Invitation to opening night party.


Actor ($500-$999):

Commemorative signed poster.

Invitation to our first rehearsal/read through.

Logo on all promotional materials (program, posters, banners, etc)

Invitation to opening night party.


Director ($1000-$2999):

Commemorative signed poster.

Invitation to our first rehearsal/read through.

Full page ad in program and logo on all promotional materials (posters, banners, etc)

Verbal thank you nightly at pre-show speech.

Invitation to opening night party.


Producer ($3000-4999):

Commemorative signed poster.

Invitation to our first rehearsal/read through.

Full page ad in program and logo on all promotional materials (posters, banners, etc)

Verbal thank you nightly at pre-show speech.

Invitation to opening night party.

To donate, click here:   

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Council on the Arts horiz orange 173C & BLK.jpg

"This project is supported in part by a grant from the North Dakota Council on the Arts, which receives funding from the state legislature and the National Endowment for the Arts.”

"This program is supported in part by the City of Grand Forks Arts Re-Grant program.

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